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Quick start

Kalavai is free to use, no caps, for both commercial and non-commercial purposes. All you need to get started is one or more computers that can see each other (i.e. within the same network), and you are good to go. If you wish to join computers in different locations / networks, check our managed kalavai offering.

Create a seed node

Simply use the CLI to start your seed node:

kalavai start

Note that it will take a few minutes to setup and download all dependencies. Check the status of your cluster with:

kalavai diagnostics

Add a worker node

In the seed node, generate a join token:

kalavai token

Copy the displayed token. On the worker node, run:

kalavai join <token>

After some time, you should be able to see the new node:

kalavai nodes

You can also see the total resources available:

kalavai resources

Enough already, let's run stuff!

In short, run a template job:

kalavai run <template name> --values-path <values file>

Each job requires two values: - Name of the template --get a list of available integrations with kalavai templates - Parameter values for the template.

Here we will use the example of deploying a LLM (vllm template). To generate default values file:

kalavai job defaults vllm > values.yaml

This will create a values.yaml file that contains the default values for a vllm job, such as the model id, the number of workers, etc.

Then you can use the newly created values to run the job:

kalavai job run vllm --values-path values.yaml

In this case, the job also deploys a service that can be accessible via an endpoint. Find out the url with:

kalavai job list 

Job monitoring and lifecycle:

# provide the logs of a specific job
kalavai job logs <name of the job> 
# delete a job
kalavai job delete <name of the job>