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Bootstrap a new AI cluster



At least 1 computer (master node) Public IP (or all nodes within the same private network) Unique hostnames

Install the Kalavai client

See how to install kalavai client

Bootstrap your master node

Once it's installed, run the CLI app with:

kalavai --help
usage: kalavai [-h] command ...

positional arguments:
    login     Login with your Kalavai user email and password. Get an account from
    logout    Logout from your kalavai user account.
    start     Join Kalavai cluster and start/resume sharing resources.
    status    Check the current status of your device.
    stop      Stop sharing your device and clean up. DO THIS ONLY IF YOU WANT TO REMOVE KALAVAI-CLIENT from your device.
    pause     Pause sharing your device and make your device unavailable for kalavai scheduling.

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Create cluster:

kalavai start ---

C&P join token and use it on other nodes to join the cluster

What's next

Install your app integrations and use your cluster!